We found13 commercial properties for lease in Coromandel.
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$52,000 +GST and Opex
205 Willoughby Street, Thames

Annual $20,000 +GST
441 Port Road, Whangamatā

Annual $41,000 +GST
621 Pollen Street, Thames Surrounds

Annual $44,392 +GST
311 Pollen Street, Thames

Annual $18,000 +GST
Upstairs space/424 Pollen Street, Thames

For Lease $26,000 Plus GST (if any)
330 Pollen street, Thames

Annual $15,600 +GST
606 Port Road, Whangamatā

Business Lease $659,000
Address withheld, Thames

For Lease $17,880 Plus GST (if any)
424 Pollen Street, Thames

For Lease
27 Kopu Road, Kopu

Annual $15,000 +GST
514 Pollen Street, Thames

Annual $16,000 +GST
8 UG3 The Esplanade, Whitianga2

Annual $11,000 +GST
514 Pollen Street, Thames