Timaru, Canterbury
We found19 businesses for sale in Timaru, Canterbury.
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$594,000 + Stock for 3 stores
Address withheld, Timaru Central

Business Lease $595,000
Address withheld, Timaru Central

Land, Buildings and Business $2,795,000
Address withheld, Timaru Central

Address withheld, Timaru Central

Address withheld, Timaru Central

From $1,595,000 + GST (if any)
28 McKenzie Street, Geraldine
Video available

From $2,250,000 + GST (if any)
26 and 28 Ribbonwood Road, Geraldine4

$200,000 Plus GST
Iconic Chinese Restaurant, Timaru Central

Offers Over $491,000 + GST if any
1068 Orari-Rangitata Highway, Geraldine

Offers Over $799,000 Plus GST (if any)
49 Hally Terrace, Temuka

Address withheld, Timaru Central

$459,000 Plus GST (if any)
Motel Opportunity, Temuka

$130,000 + GST
2 Strathallan Street, Timaru Central

$500,000 + stock
Address withheld, Geraldine

Address withheld, Timaru Central

Address withheld, Timaru Central
Video available

By Negotiation
15 Wai-iti Road, Timaru Central5

$250,000 + Stock
Address withheld, Geraldine

Address withheld, Timaru Central