Award-winning Hayley Brown of Lou Brown Design is about to start a complete Guthrie Bowron bedroom makeover for a very deserving young person, who has had a sad year. Keep an eye on this space to see incredible transformations taking place in our exciting new series of room makeovers. Next time – our designer presents her gorgeous ideas for Chloe’s room.

Chloe Pardoe from Cockle Bay in Auckland is eight years old but stuck in a time warp. “I'm still living in a baby's room!” she says. “It’s SO EMBARRASSING!

As a winner of Guthrie Bowron's and The Hits Love Where You Live room makeover competition this is what she told us in her Hits entry video and Chloe has a very good reason. Her grandad was a painter and decorator and they had been planning her new bedroom. Chloe had picked out her colours and had all her ideas ready.

“I was sooo excited!” she says.

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Unfortunately, though, her grandad had a heart attack just after one of Auckland’s lockdowns, and he passed away a week later.

“So, I'm stuck with this bedroom for now,” says Chloe, “And I really don't love where I live. Please help me!!!”

Pardoe family with Hayley Brown of Lou Brown Design. Photo / Leon Rose

Chloe's room. Photo / Leon Rose.

We chatted with Hayley at Lou Brown Design about the transformation ahead.

OneRoof: How did you feel when you saw Chloe’s current bedroom?

Hayley: I agreed with Chloe that it looks babyish, and it was rather cramped too. It’s quite a narrow space so the twin single beds take up a lot of room. This means that there isn’t anywhere for storage, so the room appears to be very cluttered, and we will definitely need to rethink what’s there so that we can add more functionality.

OneRoof: What challenges do you see ahead in creating a fantastic space that will see Chloe through to her teens?

Hayley: I think that this is going to be about finding a good balance. Chloe says that pink is her favourite shade, but perhaps we won’t paint or paper the whole bedroom in that colour because she might change her mind in future. Luckily, she also likes white and metallics.

I think the key is going to lie in fixing the bed situation in a way that gives her space and she’s keen on a loft bed with a desk underneath. I’m imagining a scheme that is stylish, yet not too sophisticated, which means Chloe can add and subtract smaller things such as artwork and accessories that are appropriate for her age, as she goes along.

OneRoof: You gave Chloe a questionnaire to find out a little more about what she’s imagining for her dream room. What did you learn from her answers?

Hayley: This little girl has a really huge personality, and I can’t wait to come up with a room that she’ll absolutely love. Chloe says that she wants a space that is ‘cosy and relaxing,’ yet ‘fancy and elegant’. She wants to be able to play with friends, read, and do puzzles and she agrees that she really does need a desk.

Chloe doesn’t want busy patterns with lots of detail and she appreciates different textures in items like cushions and flooring. She’s an animal lover, a dancer and a keen tennis player and she used to enjoy going fishing with her grandad. Her overseas trips so far have included the UK, Bali and Thailand.

Pardoe family with Hayley Brown of Lou Brown Design. Photo / Leon Rose

Current wallpaper in Cloe's room. Photo / Leon Rose.

OneRoof: Chloe must be getting very excited by now. What happens next?

Hayley: Right now, I’m coming up with a design concept, based on Chloe’s answer to my questions and I’m checking out all of the great products at Guthrie Bowron. I’m taking all of her favourite colours and textures into account and next comes a 3D visual board which will enable her, along with the 3D imagery, to visualise the end result.

At this stage I’m arranging for tradespeople to do the basic renovation and making sure that all the products that Chloe and I end up agreeing on are in supply. This can be a bit tricky these days with lockdowns but I’m sure that we’ll be fine!

OneRoof: Why is Guthrie Bowron such a good fit for a project like Chloe’s bedroom?

Hayley: I really like working with Guthrie Bowron, as consultants and as suppliers, because they’re a one-stop shop with paint, wallpaper, flooring, curtains, and blinds. It’s pulling everything together that counts and with our busy lives we’re all looking for ways to save time and unnecessary travel.

Guthrie Bowron has 50 locally owned and operated stores across New Zealand, and while kiwis are always very welcome to visit, all stores offer in-home consultations, measures and quotes for window furnishings and flooring*.

*Flooring not available in all stores. Travel distance parameters may apply.

Pardoe family with Hayley Brown of Lou Brown Design. Photo / Leon Rose

Currently the only storage in the room and no space for a study desk. . Photo / Leon Rose

Top tips for adding value

The best way to add value and enhance the appeal of any room is to use the very best products you can afford.

High quality window treatments such as wooden venetian blinds, shutters or neutral fabric curtains will appeal to future buyers.

Floors are another area where money will always be well spent. While polished timber floorboards are very popular, especially in Northern regions, a good wool carpet will last for years, and it also has excellent insulating properties.

If you are adding value in advance of selling your home, consider using bold touches, such as a vibrant patterned wallpaper in small doses, perhaps on a feature wall, as others’ tastes can be very different from yours.

Top tip for decorating - Creating a connection

In every space within your home, it’s good to include interior elements that reflect your story and who you are.

So, for your child's room, think about their interests, what they love, who they love and what makes them unique.

Think about how you can reflect some of their most treasured memories, whether it be fishing with grandad, camping with the family or a resort holiday.

How can these moments be subtly reflected in the decor or their room? This is the key to achieving an interior that your kids will love for a long time.

Watch out for Chloe's room makeover progress in Guthrie Bowron Love Where You Live makeover series.

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This content has been created in partnership with Guthrie Bowron.