Auckland iwi and Maori accommodation providers will raise the Auckland housing shortage with Phil Twyford, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, and Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Maori Development, at a meeting on Monday.
The Auckland Maori Housing Summit will look at ways the Crown can partner with Maori to deliver its KiwiBuild scheme, which aims to house up to 20,000 Maori families and see 50,000 affordable homes built in Auckland over the next decade.
Maori home ownership rates are more than 20 per cent below the national average (according to the 2013 Census 2013) and the need for affordable housing is even more severe, says chairperson Rau Hoskins.
Te Matapihi national advocates for Maori housing say it’s encouraged by the government’s stance in working with Maori.
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Hoskins says: “We now have an historic opportunity to reset the way the government partners with Maori to deliver housing, including projects on Crown land. In our engagement with ministers we have seen a real willingness to do so. We will be doing our best to ensure this commitment is matched with adequate resourcing.”
Hoskins says most Auckland iwi have settled or are close to settling their Treaty claims and that many are actively involved in housing development.