- Home Builders

Robyn and I established our locally Gisborne based business in October 2008. I have been working in the building industry for the past 46 years, the last 9 years running my own company with construction of new housing and light commercial buildings. With a total of seven permanent full time staff working alongside me who have a wide range of knowledge and skills, and proud to say that two of my team are female apprentices. I am registered licenced building practitioner, a member of Gisborne Registered Mater Builders and currently president of our branch.
We have lived in Gisborne all our lives and have been married 44 years. We have two sons Blake who is a mechanic and Drew who is an Auto Electrician with his own business. We have five grandchildren and live on a lifestyle block with our pet pig, two dogs and two cats. Robyn is a ballet teacher and works for the district council in the theatres.
My interests are fishing, hunting and speedway. I have been a member of the East Coast Four Wheel Drive Club were we help raise funds for rural schools - I am president of this too. I also belong to the Gisborne Host Lions Club just passing 37 years service for our community. I am proud to be the eHaus Gisborne Licensee and bring PassivHaus principles to my business and the people of Gisborne.