Virginia Zhou
About Virginia Zhou

A seasoned professional with an established reputation amongst the Franklin business community, Virginia Zhou brings the benefit of 17 years’ experience to every commercial transaction.

Arriving in New Zealand in 2000,  Virginia is smart, determined and focussed – key personality traits which saw her simultaneously complete a Masters of Business Administration while working toward her successful career in business brokerage. Graced with a sharp mind and the motivation to keep consistently ahead of the pack, Virginia’s clients understand that her strong business acumen and wealth of experience are a winning combination which simply can’t be overlooked.

Bilingual, personable and always adept, Virginia speaks English and Chinese fluently, and her ability to move seamlessly between the customs of the east and the business mind-set of the west has seen her facilitate only the best results for her clients – who require the cutting edge in today’s market.

Having developed a keen eye for detail during her background as a pharmaceuticals manager, Virginia initially began her foray into real estate as a residential salesperson. Yet her strong analytical approach to business, and propensity for strategic planning meant that her talent was quickly utilised in the business, commercial and industrial sector.

With a focus on achieving financial goals, Virginia gets a true kick from helping her clients to grow their wealth, and her eternal positivity peppered with an astute inclination for risk management has seen her facilitate countless successful transactions, leading to a wide and varied network of happy clients.

Community-minded and compassionate, Virginia lives locally in Waiuku and can often been found speaking at Local Business Association meetings, or getting stuck in to the practical care of local waterways through the Mudlarks association.

A skilled negotiator with sharp intuition and an always evolving skill-set, Virginia Zhou is truly the difference between a great and exceptional result for your business.

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Virginia Zhou
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