Vincent Barnao AREINZ
About Vincent Barnao AREINZ
Vincent has been part of the Anne Duncan team since its opening in August 2004 and has applied his dedication, commitment and boundless energy to help ensure the success of the company and the continuation of his impressive performance history. Formerly working with one of New Zealand's largest franchise Real Estate companies, Vincent was consistently one of their top performers - achieving "Elite" status and was in the top 5 percent of the nationwide sales team. This success has continued here at Anne Duncan Real Estate, with Vincent achieving No. 1 Salesperson in 2006 and 2007 and No. 1 Listing Salesperson in 2010. Highly motivated and competitive by nature, Vincent completed the 2011 New York Marathon and received three first places and two second places in an International dancing competition, with his dance partner, Nerida Cortese. He sees real estate selling as a match-making exercise - bringing buyers and sellers together - to match buyers to houses and houses to buyers. He believes having good listening skills and playing the diplomat are key components of the role. He doesn't give up until both parties are totally satisfied with the results, every step of the way he makes a big effort to handle people with care. For a top performer and someone who can offer the best marketing advice, call Vincent today.
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Vincent Barnao AREINZ
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