Tim Sandrey
About Tim Sandrey

In twenty successful years in real estate, both as a business owner and as a Professionals property consultant in Christchurch and wider Canterbury, Tim Sandrey has sold residential homes, townhouses, flats, sections and lifestyle blocks to the tune of many millions of dollars.  Substantial advances in marketing and technology have transformed the administrative side of the business, making the sales process altogether tighter and more professional.  However, as a fitness enthusiast who is a regular competitor in outdoor pursuits such as the iconic Motatapu mountain bike race and tramping in Nepal, Tim understands that, no matter how good equipment or tools are, there’s no substitute for daily commitment to training, personal discipline and attention to detail.  The same rules apply to real estate: success boils down to honing skills, knowledge, stamina and, most important of all, focussing on relationships with clients, understanding what they need and getting the deal across the finish line.  Leaving nothing to chance creates fewer opportunities for error – and that means happy clients.  That’s what makes the job so enjoyable for Tim.  

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Tim Sandrey
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