Shane Ryder
About Shane Ryder
Eight years of absence has brought Shane back to New Zealand with a new appreciation in property, which Auckland has to offer. His return brings a fresh approach and experience in management to the team at Anne Duncan. Shane’s role as Property Manager means he can work in the industry that he has a passion for – meeting new clients and ensuring existing clients are satisfied and confident with his knowledge and expertise. From being a landlord since the age of 20, he clearly understands what expectations are required, as a client puts their valuable asset in the trust of a property manager. Living overseas, Shane as a tenant has seen how important communication is between tenant and landlord, and how vital it is to maintaining a successful working relationship. But undoubtedly Shane’s strengths lie with people. Listening, understanding and responding to achieve the desired result is what Shane calls ‘job satisfaction’. Professionalism establishes respect between two different clients/parties and being non intrusive in their lives is the key. Shane has Diplomas in Management and Graphic Design. After hours you can find Shane spending time coaching junior football and designing graphics, whilst enjoying the pleasures of bringing up a young family.
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Shane Ryder
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