- Michelle Hickman
I believe, to be successful real estate agent you need to be a number of things, and at the top of the list, borderline fanatical about the region in which you live and work.It just happens, I meet the requirements.
After touring New Zealand in 2004 in a motor-home and falling in love with Taupo, my husband Neil and I decided to emigrate here from the UK. In 2006 Taupo became home. What better place to be, golf for Neil and I, great schools and an amazing outdoors environment for our three school children, Lauren, Holly and Lewis.
We chose to establish ourselves in wonderful Acacia Bay. However before buying there, we lived in several areas of Taupo, observing and learning the variety of attributes each area brings, allowing me to provide the best possible recommendations to my clients needs.
I love real estate. I love the challenge, I know how I like to be treated as a client and I pride myself in delivering the same service and level of communication to my own clients. I chose to work with Harcourts because of their commitment to Taupo through ongoing community support and our mutual love of golf.
My philosophy is pretty straight forward. Choose great clients, create perfect solutions, achieve phenomenal results. Repeat day in, day out.
Check out my website today - www.michellehickman.harcourts.co.nz
- For sale
- Sold
- For lease