- Melanie Tan

With a career spanning 9 years in the real estate industry, Mel brings a highly adaptable and unique expertise when it comes to residential & lifestyle properties. Mel knows what you want, and how to get you there. Bold, diligent and exuberant in her interaction, every detail is considered to ensure a seamless transaction. Her skillset is diverse, being across everything- from listing, to negotiating and closing.
Having carved a real niche for herself in the industry, is her astounding ability to connect with people from all walks of life across a range of cultures - maximising all opportunities and outcomes for her clients. Before real estate, Melanie’s background in textile design brings creative flair & style which serves well in the property market - where presentation is king.
Her innovative, modern approach enables her to see the hidden potential in all homes. Mel’s insights of the ever changing market ensure you stay one step ahead.
- For sale
- Sold
- For lease