Howard Buchanan
About Howard Buchanan

Howard Buchanan, Commercial Manager

Born and bred in Christchurch, Howard Buchanan’s extensive commercial management experience has proven essential in shaping the high calibre of service he offers within his home city.

This experience has been sharpened considerably with 5 years spent working in both the U.K and Germany, for Bovis International and Lawson Mardon Group respectively. Upon returning to the Garden City Howard was responsible for establishing the commercial, industrial and body corporate property management for Bayleys Christchurch. In his 10 years there he built an impressive portfolio. And now at NAI Harcourts, he provides a whole new level of service and success for his clients. 
As part-owner of the Harcourts Grenadier Commercial business Howard brings considerable experience, resolve and skill. He has established further his reputation for marketing style, astute management and top results. His enthusiasm and vision for the future growth and triumph of commercial property is the one that drives the machine of the NAI Harcourts Commercial team.

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Howard Buchanan
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