- Chris Gollins

About Chris Gollins
Chris is almost better known in Wellington as a former journalist in radio and television. He left the media in 1986 to work with NZ icon Sir Robert (Bob) Jones at Robt. Jones Investments as that company’s Property Manager, with responsibility for NZ, Australia, Canada & the USA. This laid the foundation for his knowledge of commercial property in all facets. He and Sir Robert remain close friends and fish together regularly. Chris catches the bigger ones.
He has been in Agency since 1988, principally at Colliers International. He has been Colliers top producing broker in NZ and has attended Colliers training in Baltimore and Prague. He has served two terms as President of the Property Council of NZ (Wellington branch) and two terms as President of the Porirua City Chamber of Commerce. He was a founder of North Wellington Life Education Trust and is a member of the Rotary Club of Wellington. In 2015 he launched Gollins Commercial Ltd to provide enhanced agency services through exceptional service and marketing. He is passionate about his company exceeding client’s expectations.
Chris’s greatest strength is innovation. He has conceived of many transactions and developments, firstly recognising an opportunity, identifying a location then convincing investors, vendors, local authorities etc.
Top skills
Customer service
Practice management
All Listings by Chris Gollins
- For sale
- Sold
- For lease
Over the last 25 years I have used the services of Chris Gollins as a Real Estate Agent, in the process of buying, selling and leasing a large number of properties. Some of the transactions have been very complicated and involved negotiations requiring the agreement of multiple parties. At all times I have found Chris to be professional, honest and ethical. - Ray McKimm - Bigsave Furniture-
I have known Chris Gollins since the mid 1980’s. He is one of Wellington’s best known commercial property identities and is widely liked and respected... There are few practitioners in the Wellington region who have been involved in commercial real estate as long as he has. - Sir Robert Jones-
We engaged Gollins Commercial Ltd to act on our behalf in the sale of a commercial property in Greytown in the Wairarapa, New Zealand July 2018. We carefully scrutinised a number of commercial operators in the greater Wellington area while considering who to engage in this matter and without doubt we made the right decision with Chris Gollins. Chris made the entire process straightforward and stress free bearing in mind that we were not residing in the area as we had relocated away from the Wairarapa. There were a number of issues to be dealt with in and around the sales process and Chris undertook everyone of them and resolved them in a clear, concise and timely manner while at all times keeping us thoroughly informed of progress. To this end we have nothing but the highest of praise for Chris and his team. I highly recommend Gollins Commercial for any commercial property transaction that potential vendors may be considering. - Michael Devereux - Lynwood Properties Ltd-
I have known Chris Gollins for the last 36 years firstly as Foodstuffs Property Administration Manager where I initially requested his assistance to successfully negotiate the sale of surplus properties. Chris has the skill of being able to look beyond the square and many sales were transacted with a reasoned and different approach which suited all parties. One sale in particular stands out, that being, The Centre City Shopping Centre in New Plymouth, with over 55 tenants, this three story shopping centre building with a similar size parking building was sold to a Dunedin Trust. I have always found Chris to be upfront, extremely informed on property matters and his word is his bond both in business and privately, so much so, that Chris, myself and our respective wives have been long personal friends. - Kendall Miller - Foodstuffs, Wellington. Former Property Administration Manager-

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