Available for lease in this quality building on Symonds Street are various tenancy sizes ranging from 100m-420m
Under the ownership of a proactive landlord with a portfolio focused around the Symonds Street precinct, the building has been well maintained yet competitively priced.
The landlord is open to refurbishing and tailoring the existing fit-out in place to suit an incoming tenant's requirement.
Part Level 1 Tenancy 1: 146m
Part Level 1 Tenancy 2: 203m
Level 2: 419m
Level 8: 419m
Access to the building is a breeze with major bus routes running down Symonds Street and being close to motorways.
Ample on-site parking is available as well as public car parking options nearby.
For your convenience, a tailored listing report covering the entire market can be provided upon request. For further information on this space or to arrange a viewing contact below.
Josh Standing
027 706 8916
[email protected]